Thursday, 15 October 2015

The extremes we can do

A blind date experience
My first experience for going on a blind date was not saccharine. The feelings of anxiety, fear, and doubtful thoughts engulfed itself in my mind. Several questions piled up; couldn't stop thinking of the positive and negative things that could transpire. Tension molded itself in large circles sending hot chills run through my amazing body.

It was nerve wrecking but even so, I had to calm down my quivering nerves. At some point in life we want to try new things and meet new people; this was my chance to prove to myself the same and understand more of myself. I always felt I had the confidence to do and experience new things that life can offer without blinking an eye.

 Back to the drawing board, meeting someone for the first time and you have no clue how he/she looks like is spine-chilling. Its like going to do an algebra test without really knowing or understanding the formula; definitely you will strain, you might give up at the process.

 However, try as much as possible to be calm, open minded, and ready for communication because you never know – maybe he/she is heaven sent. Be careful though not to spill all the beans about yourself; everything is a step at a time.

Blind dates are bitter-sweet. During that moment you might meet with your main man or lady, (Mr. / Mrs. Right) and you might have an experience of a life time or more so you can encounter with a worst experience that you wish you never gave it a shot.

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