Tuesday 17 November 2015

What has social media done to our children?

Gone are the exquisite, peaceful and joyous days when we used to sit near the fire place with our grandparents and they would tell us lovely stories. They were intriguing and others were scary; but it brought us together. It was fun and life was simple.

What of these days? Can we compare? There is a huge gap. Technology has taken over, social media has become the heart and soul of men. Young children are becoming friends of gadgets.  They express their feelings, emotions, and  problems.  That is the world we are in today. Social media can be a dangerous huge animal; it has its positive and negative impacts.

  However, we have to deeply understand the generation we are in and where we are headed to. Imagine having a gorgeous, beautiful baby girl, she has just reached her teenage years; she does not have deep thoughts or much awareness on sexuality and sex.  But with the rapid exposures to social media, their eyes are opened, they feel superior.

Social media Influences, peer pressure from friends, and how the world has molded celebrity lifestyle online makes her want to look like the Hollywood movie stars. To dress like them, talk like them, and post photos of half nakedness in social media.   When the like’s hit list reaches 100, 200 plus she feels famous; it’s heavenly and now she is popular.

Social media platforms can affect one’s life. They may get engaged with online sex, pornography, musterbation and the likes. With this they can chat freely with strangers, send nude pictures and do many risky things. Who would even think that there children are doing that? Of course we don't want to imagine!

 I believe it is the parent’s responsibility to understand their children, talk to them freely and teach them the risks they can encounter using so much personalized information in social media.As the bible says, “rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter.” Let us help our children, sisters, brothers and friends.

If we teach our children to understand the world and the dangers that can impact their lives through social media, they will contemplate about it and exercise the goodness. It does not have to be a whole lecture, a forceful communication, no! They won’t like that.  Create a comfortable room where there is no tension but a friendly zone that can lead to openness and understanding.

Most company’s look into social media sites of individuals to really outweigh the options and try to understand you well. They would analyze what you post and if you are fit for that particular job. All I want to put across is, we should be keen and responsible for what we post; more so our siblings and children.

I would not want my daughter, son, brother or sister to be part of this tempting situation. I will put all effort to become a good mother. We are not perfect, sometimes we can be carried away by the situations in our lives. But also we want our children to grow as people of respect, dignity, confidence, successful and who can better their lives and those of other people.

It’s upon us to act in a dint of a second and help our children grow well in this challenging society. Parents create time for your children and talk to them openly, it won’t cause any harm but good.
Remember this, “for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers.”

A lifetime experience

One beautiful morning, the sun woke up from its hiding place; it beamed its sharp, hot rays onto the ground. It brightened up the new day making it warmly glow. You jumped out of bed like a cricket, prepared yourself diligently; it was that day you would set your eyes on him for the first time. You met months ago online and you had been chatting for days and weeks.

Your heart was pure happy, your face glowed with delight, you looked shinny and amazingly beautiful. There he came with his bold look, astoundingly handsome, cute smile and most of all he had jovial moods. You had waited for this day for long and now it had finally come; you met the real Mr. you were tense at first but after a while of talking, tension disappeared and things got better. The day went on so well, you clicked, he made you laugh, admired your loveliness and smile and told you how incredibly gorgeous you looked. Your heart did melt with joy and you were happy to have physically met.

The first date went blissfully well, your heart was warmly cheerful; he was the man you had been waiting to meet and yeah you finally did. Things were awesome for some time and dates were remarkable. After days of knowing each other better, you introduced him to your best friend and let him know where you stayed; shockingly he never did the same. For you, you liked him and feelings were developing slowly, but to him maybe he had no clue or had his own agendas; he still weighed options. Due to the uncomfortable feeling within you; you felt deep inside something was not right.

The jovial good guy you enjoyed his company was no more. He was secretive, he did not show you where he stayed, you had no clue about his friends and he decided to pretend to be in love with you. Those were signs of something not right. He did not want anybody to know he had someone else and so he decided to keep you a secret. Questions entangled itself in your mind; you had no clue what to do or how to deal with the situation. 

Relationships are built with friendship first, getting to know him better and deeply, know his friends, where he stays, what he loves doing and build that trust. Remember, if a woman catches a man’s’ eyes, she earns his purse; if he captures his heart she earns his world. Do not underestimate the power of love, it grows slowly, if not careful you will sink in. Before you know it, things will get tense, you will be annoyed every minute you think about him, he will make you sick and you will never want to set your eyes on him again.

A man is like a chameleon today he is blue, tomorrow he is red. As much as he may want something from you he will do whatever he can to get it. They can pretend day and night as long as they accomplish their goal in you. If his goal is to earn your heart he will work hard day in day out to get it, if his goal is to get into your pants he will put all effort and energy to it. Men were given the gift of hunting it is there job to do so. Be very careful!

Young lady, young man, do not rush into falling in love with someone; do not rush into starting a relationship with someone you have not taken time to know better. If something was meant to be, it will be. Take your sweet time, invest in building the friendship, which would bring in trust and finally glows love in you. If a man is serious with you, he would not be afraid to tell the whole world how much you mean to him, he has chose you and he is ready to be with you through thick and thin.

Bob Marley once said, “The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for.” God tells us in his word, guard your heart with all your strength because that is the spring of life. Never allow anybody to break your heart as you watch a friend once told me that.